Case Study

How We Drove Enterprise Reinvention for One of the World’s Largest Banks

How We Drove Enterprise Reinvention for One of the World’s Largest Banks

How We Drove Enterprise Reinvention for One of the World’s Largest Banks

A top-ten global bank with a vast network of branches and ATMs, serving over 120 million customers worldwide.

A top-ten global bank with a vast network of branches and ATMs, serving over 120 million customers worldwide.

The bank's existing technology infrastructure was slowing down its ability to launch new products due to its rigid, monolithic architecture. Scaling operations became increasingly difficult as their customer base grew rapidly. Additionally, the need for secure and efficient customer onboarding processes was essential to maintain compliance without compromising speed or customer experience


The Josh Edge

We implemented an event-driven architecture, integrating microservices to enhance system agility and scalability. Working closely with the bank’s IT team, we developed a secure transaction log system with encryption for better reporting and fraud detection. Key solutions included:

Microservices Integration: Improved flexibility for integrating core and external systems.

Advanced Security Measures: We deployed multi-factor authentication and integrated biometric technology to enhance security.

Fraud Detection System: We created an efficient online fraud dispute resolution mechanism.

Deliver Real Value

50% Faster Product Development: Accelerated the time-to-market for new offerings.

Improved Customer Experience: Successfully merged operations, doubling the user base securely.

Increased Flexibility: Eliminated vendor lock-in, allowing the bank to adopt the best available technologies.

Scalability Solution

Enhanced User Experience

Innovation & Custom Solutions

Core Banking Configuration

Security & Scale
